Should you be worried during significant market falls?

Category: Investments & markets & Uncategorized

A recent Standard Life article suggests that in simple terms, you probably shouldn’t be worried about recent market falls. Most of us are investing over the long term, and significant market falls happen periodically. Generally, the wrong thing to do when markets fall by a reasonable margin is to panic and sell out of the market – this just locks in a loss. The right thing to do is remember why you’re invested in the first place and make sure that rationale hasn’t changed.

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Are Company Strategic Reports helpfully forward-looking for investors?

Category: Business & Investments & Uncategorized

Strategic reports provide ‘very little insight’ into future prospects. Many strategic reports contain a mass of annual data and text, which is largely backward looking, finds a PriceWaterhouse (PwC) study. Information disclosed in companies’ annual reports is being buried in a mass of annual data and text, presenting investors with a tough challenge to unearth it, according to the research.

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Devon tops the table for pensioner well-being

Category: Lifestyle & retirement & Uncategorized

The South West of England appears to be the place to live if you want a long, healthy and safe retirement, according to a new league table of pensioner well-being developed by Prudential. The league table, which uses a combination of census data and results from the insurer’s own retirement research, ranks the top 20 counties in England and Wales according to several measures of the wellbeing of their pensioner populations.

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The EU Referendum is on the horizon. What impact might it have on UK SMEs?

Category: Business & Europe & financial planning & Uncategorized

The UK is set to have a referendum by the end of 2017 which will determine whether or not we will remain a member of the European Union. In this referendum everyone of voting age will take part, answering “Yes” or “No” to the question of whether they wish to remain a part of the EU. There’s no doubt that leaving the European Union would bring about quite a few changes in the UK, but how would this decision affect Small and Medium sized Enterprises?

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Should we scrap tax reliefs on pensions and create a lifetime ISA for all?

Category: ISA & pensions & retirement & savings & Uncategorized

A single Lifetime ISA for everyone should be created with all tax reliefs on pension contributions being scrapped, a leading figure at the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) has proposed, according to an article published by the CPS. Research Fellow Michael Johnson said the opportunity has come for a radical overhaul of savings after the Chancellor launched a consultation into the future of the pensions tax regime in July.

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