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Proposed Changes to Flood Cover Insurance arrangements

Category: Protection & Uncategorized

Earlier in February 2014, the Water Bill had its second reading in the House of Lords and the issue of flood cover insurance was discussed. The current UK flood insurance guarantee – the Statement of Principles – is soon to expire and is set to be replaced by the Flood Re proposal. The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RCIS) supports the Flood Re proposal as it is currently the only tenable solution available and has the support of both the insurance industry and government, which secures its viability.

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More over-55’s now seek financial advice but there are still plenty who could benefit from talking to an adviser

Category: Investments & savings & Uncategorized

More over-55s are turning to financial advisers than did so four years ago, new research from Aviva into the shape of financial advice for retirement in 2014, shows. But with 77% of over-55s having no relationship with an adviser – and no plans to establish one – Aviva’s findings reveal a worrying lack of understanding about the nature of financial issues in later life.

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Annuity review highlights importance of advice and shopping around

Category: Investments & pensions & retirement & savings & Uncategorized

The startling headline finding from The Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) recent review of the annuities market proved to be the fact that some 80% of people who purchased an annuity from their pension provider could have received a better deal from an alternative source.

The report found that the annuities market was not working as it could for consumers, with many reporting that they found it difficult to review the suitability of the annuity offered by their pension provider, when compared to the alternatives available.

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Hints and Tips for the Tax Year End

Category: Tax & Uncategorized

As always, the end of the tax year is an important date in anyone’s financial planning calendar. In most cases, tax allowances end with the tax year: making the best use of them while they are available can mean a big difference to the eventual returns from your savings and investments.

We have therefore put together some hints and tips which will hopefully guide your financial planning as the end of the tax year approaches – but as always, if you have any questions on any of the points below don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

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Boomers boost Britain’s bottom line

Category: Economy & Uncategorized

A recent Saga report evidences how British baby-boomers are helping to keep the economy afloat. This iconic generation, the post-war babies that grew up to revolutionise popular culture, makes up just over a third of the UK’s population, but punches above its weight when it comes to spending its wealth.

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