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Are you, or will you be, an over-60s socialite?

Category: Lifestyle & retirement & Uncategorized

If that latter description sounds like you, or someone you know, you’re in very good company. Many of today’s over-60s are living life in a way that has a lot more in common with 20-somethings, despite four decades of age gap. Being part of a circle of close friends, catching up on social media and even the odd spot of online dating; they’re enjoying life to the full in a way that previous generations would hardly have dared to dream of.

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August Market Commentary

Category: Market commentary & Uncategorized

July was a dramatic month. Greece held a referendum and emphatically rejected the austerity package offered by its creditors. Motor-cycle riding Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis resigned,  calling the creditors “terrorists”, and the new finance minister, Euclid Tsakalotos, was seen going into yet another final, final crisis meeting with his negotiating position scribbled on hotel notepaper. In the event a bailout was finally agreed – Agreekment averts Grexit according to the headlines – more or less along the lines of the bailout that had been rejected in the referendum.

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The Summer Budget implications for ‘Buy-to-Let’ housing

Category: Budget & Housing & Tax & Uncategorized

A major shake-up of the buy-to-let housing market could be about to take place, after the Chancellor announced plans to change mortgage tax relief for landlords. In his Summer Budget speech, the chancellor said that the relief will be cut to 20%, from 40-45%, in an effort to “level the playing field” between buy-to-let landlords and ordinary house buyers.

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