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UK Bank Rate rise crystal ball-gazing, as February 2016 pegged for likely date

Category: Economy & Interest Rates & Uncategorized

In August 2015, unemployment increased for the second month in a row, adding weight to the arguments of ratesetters in the ‘lower for longer’ camp. Latest ONS figures showed the jobless total up 25,000 in the three months to June to a total of 1.85 million, however, the unemployment rate itself did not shift. Interest rates were held in early August by a vote of 8 to 1, as the Bank released its latest inflation report showing expectations that a first rise would come in or around February 2016.

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Cheaper holidays and breaks in the Eurozone?

Category: Currency & Lifestyle & Uncategorized

The strong Pound, with the Euro at a historic low in Europe, suggests that this is the time for you to travel from the UK to Europe, when time there will be less expensive than it has been in years. One Euro in summer 2014 exchanged at around 80p sterling, but this summer this has come down to around 70p per Euro – 12.5% less. The pound now goes a long way in the Euro zone!

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Money is more worrying than Health to over-50s

Category: Health & Lifestyle & savings & Uncategorized

Concerns over money dominate the thinking of pre-retirees, according to new research from Retirement Advantage. Conducted by YouGov in May 2015 with over one thousand survey respondents aged over 50 and not in retirement, the study finds almost half (49%) of the over 50s are worried about not having enough money in retirement to do the things they want to do, compared to just over a third (37%) who are concerned about health problems.

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Short term confidence – long term challenges

Category: Economy & Uncategorized

A news article posted by the private bank Duncan Lawrie recently suggested that with the General Election now fading into memory, short-term political uncertainty appears to have faded as well. Issues like the EU referendum and the devolution of more powers to Scotland are still bubbling away in the background, but the consequences are probably too far in the future to affect confidence today, so recent economic data has enjoyed a short-term fillip.

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