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More debate on care costs, as four out of ten say they would deplete wealth to avoid paying

Category: Care & Uncategorized

Forty-three per cent of people in England would deliberately deplete their wealth to avoid paying for care, leading to more pressure on state finances than ever before, statistics from the latest Partnership Care Report show. Findings in the report show the number of people prepared to reduce their assets below the ÂŁ23,250 annual threshold to ensure local councils pay for their long-term care has nearly doubled from 23 per cent (2013) to 43 per cent (2015).

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Early Budget teasers, as the Prime Minister lays out plans for ‘an all-out assault on poverty’

Category: Budget & Uncategorized

Reported recently across the media, David Cameron has promised an ‘all-out assault on poverty’, with a series of social reforms to include better mental health services and mentoring schemes. The PM said new mothers and teenagers with anorexia were among those who would benefit from improved services. He also promised to flatten ‘sink estates’, help families save and introduce more funding for parenting classes.

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Threats to the provision of care home places add further concern for pensioners

Category: Care & Financial Planning for individuals/families & Uncategorized

Are the financial difficulties which care home provider businesses seem to be currently facing their responsibility to manage, a local government responsibility or does the situation require urgent government action?

When the House of Lords was recently told of the situation, the Labour peer Baroness Weaver asked the question following the news that the UK’s largest care provider, Four Seasons Health Care, was facing financial problems due to its £500m debt, which raised the prospect of care homes being closed.

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February Market Commentary

Category: Market commentary & Uncategorized

Twelve green bottles, standing on the wall

Twelve green bottles, standing on the wall

And if one green bottle, should accidentally fall…

Yes, yes, we know the song is really ‘ten green bottles,’ but in January 2016 the world’s leading stock markets resembled nothing more than the row of proverbial bottles. As one fell, so they all fell – with one defiant exception among the twelve that we cover in this Monthly Commentary.

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The new decluttering craze. Could it apply to your office… or your finances?

Category: Lifestyle & Uncategorized

Two books are first and third in the current US Best Sellers list – both by Japanese-American tidying guru, Marie Kondo. Her tidying wisdom has swept the US as a way to feel better about yourself and your home and it’s now heading to the UK. She recently shared her top tips for ‘decluttering’ and it made us wonder whether her new form of ‘healthy living’ could be applied to the office or even, perhaps, your finances.

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