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Davos 2016: what you might have missed

Category: Economy & Uncategorized

The 46th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum took place from 19th January for four days in Davos, Switzerland. The main agenda was entitled “Mastering The Fourth Industrial Revolution”, with many of the delegates discussing the impact of rapid technological shift on many industries. The mood was uncertain – some might even say gloomy – with Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, stating that “as a society, we are entering uncharted territory.”

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Three ways accelerated tax payments are likely to affect you

Category: Accounting & Tax & Uncategorized

George Osborne announced last year that the tax system as we currently know it will be phased out by 2020, after the Treasury described the system of tax returns as “complex, costly and time-consuming.” In its place, a new digital system will be rolled out by the government which purports to be easier to use and manage for both individuals and businesses.

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Could changes in pension tax relief spell the end of the pension itself?

Category: pensions & Tax & Uncategorized

There’s a lot that’s likely to change about your pension in the near future, which in turn will have an impact on all sorts of other factors regarding savings for your retirement. Depending on what changes the government imposes on how pensions are taxed and the amount of tax relief allowed on pension contributions, you may end up needing to pay considerably more each month towards your pension, or even end up working several years longer before you can retire.

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Retirement ‘class of 2016’ owe less than last year’s

Category: retirement & Uncategorized

The amount of money owed by those planning to retire over the course of the next 12 months has fallen for the fourth year in row, according to the latest research by Prudential. This year’s retirees who still have debts owe an average of £18,800, a fall of £3,000 or 14% from last year and a drop of nearly £20,000 since 2012 when the average amount owed was £38,200.

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Changes to Tax Relief for Pension Contributions?

Category: pensions & Tax & Uncategorized

After several years of speculation, according to a recent BT Home article, fears are growing that Chancellor George Osborne is finally poised to take away higher-rate tax relief for pension contributions. If this is the case, then the vital cut-off date for investors could well be Wednesday 16th March – the day of his next Budget.

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