Skills gap is forcing CEOs to change how they hire people

Category: Business & Economy & Managment & Uncategorized

CEOs worldwide appear to be more concerned about the impact of a skills shortage on their business than at any point in the last six years, according to research by PwC, published in June 2015. CEOs are now finding it so difficult to find people with the skills they need to grow their business that three quarters of the 1,322 CEOs across 77 countries interviewed by PwC, rank skills shortage as the biggest threat to their business. This represents a 10 percentage point jump from 2014 and is up from less than half (46%) six years ago.

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Charity issues guide to help taxpayers pay the right amount

Category: Tax & Uncategorized

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) have reissued their guide for taxpayers who receive tax calculation letters from HMRC. HMRC gave notice on the 8th June that they have started the ‘reconciliation process’ of sending letters over the next four months, completing the process in October, to employed taxpayers and pensioners who have either overpaid or underpaid tax in the 2014-15 tax year.

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Planning around the retirement threshold

Category: retirement & Uncategorized

By now, if you are somewhere in the retirement experience – either approaching it, passing through it or leaving it behind – you will already have experienced firsthand your own childhood and maybe that of your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Now you are heading to experience later life, which for most of us will stretch forward for more time than we might have expected all those years ago.

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Compulsory financial advice at retirement?

Category: financial planning & Uncategorized

Research from retirement specialist Retirement Advantage has found that two-thirds (65%) of people aged 55 and over who are not yet retired believe that it should be compulsory to receive financial advice at retirement. The provider is calling for a clear hand-off to regulated financial advice when people are seeking help to take the next steps at retirement.

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Divorce can cost in lost retirement income

Category: retirement & Uncategorized

New research from Prudential, in the insurer’s ‘Class of’ Study, which tracks the future plans and aspirations of people planning to retire in the next 12 months, has now been released, in the study’s eighth year. This year the research found that for the ‘Class of 2015’ divorcees, the average expected retirement income is £15,700 compared with £17,800 for those who have never been through a marriage break-up.

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