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UK Mortgage lending trends – May 2015

Category: Housing & Mortgages & Uncategorized

The Council of Mortgage Lenders’ (CML) latest figures for mortgage lending (May 2015) show that whilst lending levels recovered in May compared to April, they were down compared to a year ago. First-time buyers saw a decline in lending volumes, 13% down, compared to last year, but up slightly (3%) on the previous month, with total May loans estimated to be around £3.4 billion.

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Is innovation the future of UK manufacturing?

Category: Economy & financial planning & Uncategorized

UK manufacturing executives say that their strategic focus going forward is one that is innovation led, supported by attractive UK corporation taxes like the Patent Box, according to the latest KPMG Global Manufacturing Outlook. The report found that nearly half (48%) of UK manufacturers said that their company’s strategic focus is on innovation and that only two per cent felt that UK taxes are a challenge to their business in the next 12–24 months.

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Wave and pay to speed you on your way?

Category: Lifestyle & Uncategorized

A new publication by the British Banking Association (BBA) has estimated that consumers taking advantage of contactless cards have together saved over 90 years of time since they were introduced! The publication says that on average it takes half a second to “wave and pay” by contactless card, while it takes seven seconds to pay by chip and PIN. Figures from the UK Cards Association show there were 452,912,149 contactless transactions from the period that contactless payment was introduced, up until the end of 2014. The figures mean that 93.6 years have been saved when paying over this period!

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