Budget Summary 2015: The Election Budget

Category: Uncategorized

Introduction and Political Background

As the Chancellor stood up to speak on Wednesday March 18th there were less than 50 days to go until the General Election on May 7th. The opinion polls – and the bookmakers – still had the Conservatives marginally ahead, with David Cameron expected to remain in 10 Downing Street after the Election. But no one expected the Conservative party to have a clear majority and, as many commentators remarked, the ‘campaign’ so far had done nothing to capture the public imagination.

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Pensions Reform – tax opportunities and pitfalls

Category: Uncategorized

The pension freedom reforms are being accompanied by a flurry of tax changes in April. Savers could be able to pass on what’s left of their pension pots to loved ones tax-free after death, after the Chancellor announced the scrapping of the 55 per cent tax rate currently applied to funds left to children.

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March Market Commentary

Category: Market commentary & Uncategorized

At last! A full house, ladies and gentlemen. For the first time since we started this bulletin all the major world stock markets moved resolutely upwards in February. Some by a little, some by a lot and some – step forward the UK – finally breaking through a previous high from the last century.

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More changes for pensions? The Pensions Minister hopes so.

Category: retirement & Uncategorized

Ahead of the forthcoming pension freedom reforms in April, Pensions Minister, Steve Webb, has called for even further changes to the UK pension industry, to make life easier for retirees. Speaking at The Resolution Foundation in London, Mr Webb advocated for the creation of a dedicated Government Pension Department, amid a raft of further suggested reforms based on his experiences to date.

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Cashing in or Keeping your Pension Pot?

Category: retirement & Uncategorized

Approaching fast is April 2015, when you could have even more freedom to decide what you want to do with your pension savings as you approach retirement. Whatever you choose to do, and it will be your choice if you qualify, think carefully and choose wisely. Seek advice before making a choice if you are not sure of the effects that might result. You have two broad choices that you can make – cash-in or hold on to your savings.

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