November Market Commentary

Category: Market commentary & Uncategorized

In all the time we’ve been writing these market commentaries it’s difficult to remember a more turbulent month than October 2014.

Throughout the summer we have been writing about events in the Ukraine and the worries that conflict posed for Europe. Fortunately we now have a ceasefire in the region – and Russia and the Ukraine have just concluded a deal (brokered by the EU) for supplies of gas to resume. Just as well, last week the temperature in Kiev dropped to five degrees and 60% of Government buildings were without any heat.

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October Market Commentary

Category: Market commentary & Uncategorized

Throughout the summer this bulletin has been focused on events in the Ukraine, now we have an admittedly uneasy truce in the region and the focus of the world’s discontent has moved elsewhere.  At time of writing, pro-democracy protesters are occupying the streets of Hong Kong and a coalition of 40 countries is in the early stage of an attack on ISIS – the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.


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September Market Commentary

Category: Market commentary & Uncategorized

The phrase ‘the world looked a dangerous place’ has been used many times to describe the status of the markets. Never has that seemed more true than in August.

In Northern Iran/Iraq the Islamic State continues to gather momentum and the world expressed outrage at the murder of US journalist, James Foley.

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August Market Commentary

Category: Market commentary & Uncategorized

Where to start this month? Until July 16th it was an easy decision: the happy, smiling face of German Chancellor Angela Merkel as her boys lifted the World Cup with a 1-0 win over Argentina. A booming stock market, huge trade surplus – and a trophy from Sepp Blatter. What more could a country want?

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July Market Commentary

Category: Market commentary & Uncategorized

June was a good month for British and Chinese manufacturing, a disastrous month for General Motors (GM) and sadly, the England team who can now be found on the beaches of the Algarve. At least they escaped the anger directed at South Korea’s players, who were pelted with toffees on their return to Seoul!

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June Market Commentary

Category: Market commentary & Uncategorized

Some months we sit down to write this report and think to ourselves, ‘Not much happened really…’ And then you get a month like the one that’s just finished where pretty much everything happened!

Elections were held across Europe – and the big story was the rise and rise of the extremist parties, with UKIP topping the poll in the UK and the Front National doing equally well in France.

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