60 is the new 40!

Category: Lifestyle & retirement & Uncategorized

Good news for all of us who have accepted that we are getting older: Saga reports that new European research shows that 60 is the new 40! The research reveals that people are now reaching middle age at the tender age of 60, instead of the previously expected figure of 40 years old.

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Quick tips on financial planning for thirty-something professionals

Category: Lifestyle & savings & Uncategorized

After age 30 it is probable that financial planning will be upped one or two gears and become a far more intense matter.

It is worth reflecting how things have changed over the past few generations; more and more people are going to universities, families are having children later, are buying property (and by definition therefore taking on mortgages) at later ages and everyone is facing up to a longer life and a (much) later retirement.

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Student finances squeezed

Category: Lifestyle & savings & Uncategorized

Almost a third (30%) of students currently attending university will move back in with their parents after they have completed their studies, HSBC research shows. For those starting university this year, almost half (49%) expect to live with their parents. Of those who intend to live at home, 78% said it was in order to save money and minimise their debt.

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