State Pension changes in 2016 – can I top up my pension?

Category: pensions & state pensions & Uncategorized

Some retirees will be better off under the new system (e.g. women and the self-employed) and the top-up will allow pensioners retiring before that date, and who may feel that they are missing out, a chance to build up a higher future state pension income. Among those who probably won’t achieve the equivalent of the flat-rate state pension of around £151, and will be interested in the top-ups, are people who’ve had career breaks and not paid NI for the full number of years and women bringing up children who’ve missed out on the additional state pension.

How much you’ll pay for the extra state pension will depend on your age, with the cost falling as your age increases and your life expectancy falls. The maximum extra pension you can buy is £25 per week, thus:

  • At age 65 increasing your pension by £1 per week will cost £890, or £22,250 for an extra £25 per week;
  • At 70, the cost is £779 for an extra £1 per week, or £19,475 for £25 per week;
  • At 75, the cost is £674 for an extra £1 per week, or £16,850 for £25 per week;
  • At 80, the cost is £544 for an extra £1 per week, or £13,600 for £25 per week.

Making the extra pension purchase can be done either online or by telephone, using a one-off direct debit, online banking transfer or by sending a cheque. Your weekly state pension will increase with immediate effect, although there’s a 90-day ‘cooling-off’ period, during which you can change your mind and get your money refunded, less any payments you’ve already received.

Sources: (Article: 2015/10/10)

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