Virtual EVOKE® Training

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We are all having to find new ways of doing things during this crisis, but I was not expecting to be in the first ever group in the world to be participating in a virtual 5 day intense training course. The course was the Kinder EVOKE® training program for Financial Life Planners. Aimed at Financial Planners who have had some previous experience of the Kinder life planning process, it takes them to a much higher understanding of the structure and philosophy of Life Planning itself.

EVOKE® is a life planning methodology pioneered by its founder George Kinder, who is widely respected as the godfather of the life planning movement in the world.

I entered the course with quite a bit of trepidation. To begin with, I knew how intense the course was going to be but I had no idea how doing it virtually was going to work out. My fears were soon allayed as everything worked smoothly and it felt as if you were actually, physically there in a room together with everyone else.

A key part of the course is to be taken through the EVOKE® process yourself i.e. as the client. And for me this was the most revealing and valuable aspect of the training. It was certainly a lot more emotional than I anticipated. Most importantly, by experiencing it myself, it confirmed how much it truly helps our clients by connecting them with what is most important to them.

EVOKE® represents the core approach that is taken with all clients at Serenity. Its purpose is to discover the true and deep desires that lay at the client’s hearts core so that their own personal torch can be lit, allowing them to life the live they truly desire.

All the planners here at Serenity are Registered Life Planners (RLP®) which is gained by taking the EVOKE® training and I am proud to be able to join them and provide such a valuable Life Centered Planning service to the public.

-Bob Bassi

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