Investing money requires a clear understanding of the timeframes involved in achieving your financial goals. One crucial aspect of this is the process of withdrawing money from your investments. Whether you’re looking to cover unexpected last-minute expenses or set up a regular withdrawal to maximise your income, understanding the timeframe involved is essential.
Short-term Versus Long-Term Investments
The time frame for withdrawing money from your investments largely depends on the nature of your investment portfolio. Short term investments such as stocks, bonds or other securities with a quick turnover allow for more immediate access to funds. Investors can sell these assets and convert them into cash relatively quickly.
Longer term investments such as retirement accounts or certain types of funds often come with restrictions and penalties for early withdrawals. These investments are designed for extended periods and withdrawing funds prematurely can have adverse effects on your overall financial strategy.
The Withdrawal Process
Different investment platforms have varying procedures for withdrawing money. For example, when withdrawing money from a retirement account, the platform may require specific forms to be signed. Whereas taking money from your General Investment Account (GIA) or Individual Savings Account (ISA), could be as straightforward as pressing a button.
General Time Frames
Providing all paperwork is in order and your bank details are already saved on your providers system, withdrawals usually take 8-10 working days. The first five working days are spent selling down on your investments to create cash and the remaining three to five working days is the standard time for a BACS payment to be processed.
This assumes that one of the Serenity team can process your withdrawal on the same day as it is requested and we always try to do this where possible, but when workloads are high this is not always the case. Because of this, we always recommend you give us as much notice as possible when making a withdrawal. Aimimg to let us know three weeks prior to you needing the money, means you are guaranteed to receive the funds on time.
If you would like any further information on the withdrawal process, please do not hesitate to contact your Client Relationship Manager or Financial Advisor.