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The importance of making a Will – and keeping it up to date!

Category: Uncategorized

According to the latest statistics, yet again we hear that at least 60% of us do not have wills!   In this age of divorce, debt and increasing taxes, that’s a very worrying number.   Sadly, it seems that the majority of us are under the usual misconception that “my wife/husband/children will get everything when I die”!

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Pension tax relief changes – what does it mean for you?

Category: Uncategorized

The annual allowance for tax-privileged pension saving was reduced from ÂŁ255,000 to ÂŁ50,000 in the 2011/12 tax year. Now the lifetime allowance on money that can be accrued in a pension fund and still receive tax relief, for tax years 2012-13 onwards, will be reduced and is set to fall from ÂŁ1.8 million to ÂŁ1.5 million from April 2012.

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Protected Rights – new possibilities from April 6th

Category: Uncategorized

Historically, many people chose to contract out of the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme using their money purchase pension. Put simply, this meant that the money that would have gone into SERPS went into their personal pensions instead – effectively, they were swapping known benefits from the Government for unknown (but potentially greater) benefits from their own pension scheme.

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Budget Overview 2012

Category: Uncategorized

The Chancellor presented his third full Budget since the coalition Government took power on Wednesday, 21st March.

Billed as ‘the budget for working people’ with a promise to ‘back business’, Mr Osborne highlighted the Government’s commitment to three specific areas: a stable economy, a fairer, more efficient and simpler tax system and reforms to support growth.

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Guarding against Inheritance Tax biting into your estate

Category: Uncategorized

It is never too early to start planning where Inheritance Tax (IHT) is concerned. At the very least, you should keep a watching brief on the value of assets that could be part of your estate, particularly in relation to the inheritance tax nil-rate band. This has not changed since 2009 and whilst it is set to remain at its current value of ÂŁ325,000 until 2014-2015, the value of your assets, in the meanwhile, could rise above the nil-rate level.

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What’s in a name – a guide to financial advisers

Category: Uncategorized

Our industry is going through a period of change, brought on by new regulations in part aimed at increasing transparency for the consumer. The key changes are that from January 2013 commission will be banned and advisers will have to be qualified to a higher level than previously required. Seems like a good idea.

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