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The true cost of banking?

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There is a war of words between ‘Which?’ and the banks, following the recent publication of the findings of Which? research into bank charges, including a survey of customer understanding and opinion about charging policy and practice, particularly in relation to current accounts.

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The increasing cost of private education

Category: Uncategorized

Private school fees have increased by an average of 68% in the past decade, a rate of growth almost twice the rate of increase in the Retail Price Index (37%) over the same period, according to recent research by Lloyds TSB Private Banking.

Since 2002, the average annual private school fee has increased from £6,820 to £11,457.

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A letter to … Dad, whose will was 40 years out of date.

Category: Uncategorized

Your passing was a shock, although I suppose it shouldn't have been, but at 76 years old you were still living at home actively doing all the things you loved to do. You liked to say "I haven't retired, just changed jobs." I think you were almost busier after retiring than before. You always had a list of things you were going to do.

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Category: Uncategorized


  • Serenity expands its footprint with a second financial planner in the North of England
  • First IFA in the UK to provide personalised Social Media training to its advisers


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