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The single-tier state pension

Category: Economy & pensions & Uncategorized

In April 2013, the Government published plans to reform the current state pension into a simple Single-Tier Pension (STP), which subject to the agreement of Parliament, will be in place for people retiring after the 6th April 2016. If you reach State Pension age before that date you will receive your state pension in line with existing rules.

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Retire or work on?

Category: pensions & savings & Uncategorized

Figures released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) in June 2013 show that there are now more than one million over 65s continuing to work and earn after passing their anticipated point of retirement. This is the highest number since the ONS started collating this data in 1971.

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Transfer of Child Trust Fund savings into Junior ISAs

Category: isas & savings & Uncategorized

Since Child Trust Funds (CTFs) were phased out in 2011, parents and the savings industry have lobbied the government to allow the money held in them to be transferred into the Junior ISAs that superseded them. The ISA market is seen as having far more choice and, where the money is held in a savings account, often offers better rates.

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Pension crisis findings revealed

Category: pensions & Uncategorized

Research recently published by the Prudential has claimed that tens of thousands of Britons will retire into poverty this year.

Of those who will leave work in 2013, one fifth will be below the poverty line, whilst 14% will have no personal or work pension at all and must expect to rely solely on the State Pension.

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June Market Commentary

Category: Uncategorized

What was the old compliance wording? Markets can fall as well as rise? May was certainly the month when that was born out, with many of the major stock marching steadily upwards – only to suddenly have a day where the wheels fell off and previous gains were wiped out.

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A Guide to the GDP

Category: Economy & Uncategorized

The GDP, ‘Gross Domestic Product’, is arguably the most important of all national economic statistics. The GDP seeks, every three months, to capture the state of the economy in one percentage number.

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