5 things gardening can teach us about our money

Category: Life Planning

If you’ve been spending time in the garden now spring has arrived, it’s a wonderful way to relax. There are however, many life lessons we can learn as we tend to the garden, and there are some powerful metaphors about the way we handle our finances…


1 From tiny acorns mighty oaks will grow

In reality it might be that you’re just growing marigolds, but the premise is the same. Starting with a tiny seed, planted in the right place, can result in something beautiful and much more substantial growing from your initial efforts — a perfect parallel for savings and investments.  However, it’s important to ensure that the seed gets the best possible starting point, something we explain in depth when we invest your initial savings at Serenity, and that it’s regularly tended to and monitored, particularly when conditions are extreme.


2 Neglect the weeds and you could soon be overwhelmed

Weeds in the garden are an interesting metaphor for debts and credit cards. While they may seem small and easy to ignore at first, they can quickly grow out of control and become literally overwhelming. And just like weeds, it is almost impossible to avoid a little debt here and there in life. The important thing is to keep things under control and if you do have debts make it habitual to get rid of as much as you can.


3 Life is about balance

Of course, you could spend your entire time in the garden eliminating weeds, but there would never be anything beautiful that you cultivate to enjoy. Life and the garden is all about balance. Equally, it’s important to have structural planting, such as trees and shrubs — those bigger assets and resources that give you security and structure, but also to invest a little time and effort to cultivating those little plants which bring short moments of joy. The irises, tulips and smaller flowering plants which may only last a few short weeks, but, month by month bring little moments of colour and joy to the garden. These are the little investments in meals out, weekends away that can brighten your day to day life, while being balanced with regular cultivation of your bigger savings pots.


4  Have a plan

Every good gardener knows that having plan for how they want everything to be is the key to a great garden. Likewise, having a plan for when tasks need to be done and when you can expect to reap the benefits of your efforts will help you to make sure that you cultivate daily, weekly and monthly habits that will blossom when the time comes.


5 Stop and smell the roses

Of course, you can work as hard as you like to have the perfect garden –  and indeed the perfect financial situation – but you will never reap the benefits if you don’t stop from time to time to just sit back and appreciate all the beautiful things that are there right now. It may be that there are things that need attention but resting and enjoying the garden as you work in it is what makes it all worthwhile.


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